Your children are

Meet the Walkington Pre-School team

We are a small, experienced team, who have worked together for many years. We regularly welcome students for work experience and/or placement.

Each child is assigned a Key Person: A named member of staff with responsibilities for a small group of children who helps those children in the group feel safe and cared for.

The staff are all trained in Paediatric first aid and are all DBS checked and access regular training in Safeguarding children.

We value the relationships we build not just with the children but also with their parents and carers.

We are proud of the high ratio of adults to children in our group.  This ensures individual attention to the needs and development of each child.  Our regular staff in the group are:

Manager | Anne Marris (Teaching qualification, Level 3 Childcare qualification, Early Years Professional Status & Designated SEND Lead)

Deputy Manager | Liz Banyard (Level 3 Childcare qualification, Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Assistant | Amanda Scaife (Level 3 Childcare qualification)

Assistant | Julie Nutbrown (Level 3 Childcare qualification)

Assistant | Sarah Eade (Cover - Level 3 Childcare qualification)


Walkington Pre-School is a charity-run preschool. It is a community based, voluntary managed setting, and depends on the goodwill and involvement of parents to keep going.  Membership of the Pre-School carries expectations on parents for their support and commitment.

The Pre-School is run by an elected Committee of unpaid volunteers who are normally parents or guardians of children attending Pre-School, thus ensuring that major decision making is in the hands of parents who use the group. 

All Committee members are DBS checked.

The Committee is responsible for reviewing both policy and practice, managing the settings finances, and for the employment and management of the staff.

  • The Annual General Meeting is usually held in the autumn. 

  • Details of current Committee members are available at Pre-School. 

  • A copy of the constitution is also available. 

New members are always welcome – if you would like to join the Committee please contact the Chairperson (contact Pre-School for details of current Chairperson). 

We also welcome parental involvement in fundraising.

The best way to keep updated with our activities is to Like our Facebook page. There you will find our latest fundraising events which you can support and get involved in.